Dyson Link App

The mobile application team at Dyson wanted to improve link applications usability for adding a new machine.
Year: 2018
Role: Senior UX Designer
Position: Senior UX Designer for the mobile app agile team
The existing link app functionality allowed Dyson customers to add their new machine to the link application, but it was less intuitive and more manual than the team wanted it to be. They often had calls from users who could not add their machines alone.

Research, Workshops & Ideation

The team already had some capabilities in mind that could be possible solutions. Some ideas already had early trials. Beyond making adding a new machine to the App more accessible, there needed to be an easy way for users to find answers to their questions while adding their account and machine.

Ideas, Wireframes & Prototypes

Working with project managers, stakeholders, and developers we explored every interaction a user would have, including non-digital interactions.

We mapped the customer journey whilst including some of the potential ideas that would make adding a machine easier for the user. So, every interaction had to be explored and analysed to see if we could identify potential issues and resolve them. The final solution included a barcode scanner and a manual serial fallback.

User testing

After creating several prototypes, we took them to user testing sessions to see if our changes had a positive impact. We mixed prototypes created in Axure with functionality developed to scan barcodes and automatically enter the results. The participants had to interact with a few Dyson machines to locate their barcodes and scan the appliance details using the App.

The Results

Our changes to the customer journey made the overall process shorter and much more intuitive. We were careful to make the barcode scanner available to users who would be comfortable using it, but also allowed for more traditional inputs as needed.